Breeding easy-calving, hardworking pedigree Herefords, with substance, soundness & style.
Breedplan Performance Recorded Elite HiHealth Herdcare Member Accredited BVD, IBR & Lepto Free & Johne's Level 1 TB4 area ~ clear herd test Feb 2021 Females tested clear of Neospora We have a small number of 2022-born bulls and heifers available this summer.
Please contact Victoria on 07764740540 for more information. Details on our For Sale page. |
Established in 2009, our herd of Hereford cattle is based on many well-known horned breeding lines, that trace back to the Tarrington, Rowington and Wenlock herds. We have focused on producing feminine, fertile females, capable of rearing a quality calf easily, every year. We select for temperament, soundness, and ease of management.
We joined the BREEDPLAN performance recording scheme in autumn 2013, and we are working to improve our EBVs over the next few years by selecting sound, well balanced bulls, with a set of good EBVs, that suit our system. We are also Elite members of the Biobest HiHealth Herdcare scheme. We are accredited free from BVD, IBR and Leptospirosis, and have a Risk Level 1 for Johne's (five consecutive clear tests). All females have been tested free of Neospora for two consecutive years. If you would like to view the herd, please call Victoria on 07764 740540. |
Elwess Lady Lydia V9, daughter of Lydia L5. Reserve Supreme Hereford at the Lincolnshire Show 2023. Also one of the first placed pairs team.